The Trans-Pacific Trade Agreement, commonly known as the TPP, was a trade agreement between 12 countries that border the Pacific Ocean. Negotiations on the agreement began in 2008, and it was signed in February 2016. However, the agreement was never ratified by the United States, and it has since been put on hold.

The countries involved in the TPP were Australia, Brunei, Canada, Chile, Japan, Malaysia, Mexico, New Zealand, Peru, Singapore, Vietnam, and the United States. The agreement aimed to lower tariffs and other trade barriers between these countries, promote investment, and create a more level playing field for businesses.

The TPP was a controversial agreement, with critics arguing that it would harm workers and the environment. Some also felt that it gave too much power to corporations, allowing them to sue governments if regulations hurt their profits.

Proponents of the TPP argued that it would increase economic growth and create jobs. They also pointed to provisions in the agreement that aimed to protect labor rights and the environment.

In the end, the TPP was never ratified by the United States. President Donald Trump withdrew the country from the agreement in 2017, citing concerns about the impact on American workers. Other countries involved in the agreement have since moved forward with their own trade deals, including the Comprehensive and Progressive Agreement for Trans-Pacific Partnership (CPTPP).

While the TPP is no longer a current agreement, it remains an important part of the history of international trade. Its negotiations and eventual demise demonstrate the challenges of creating multinational trade agreements that satisfy all parties involved. As global trade continues to evolve, it will be important to continue to explore new ways to promote fair trade practices while also protecting workers and the environment.